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Giltrap AgriZone Privacy Policy


We welcome you to the Giltrap AgriZone site and hope you find what you are looking for. By visiting our site you are acknowledging that you have read and understood our privacy policy and the practices we follow, as we are bound by the New Zealand Information Privacy Principles (IPP) contained in the Privacy Act 1993.

Our practices are as follows:

  • We respect the confidentially of all information and the privacy of individual clients and/or candidates who make contact through our website or apply for open roles.
  • You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us.
  • We have robust protocols in place to ensure that any information you provide us with remains private and is used only for the agreed purposes.
  • Occasionally we might use your contact details to update you on changes within Giltrap AgriZone or alert you to new services or job opportunities that may be of interest to you. You will always have the option to opt out if you are not interested in receiving this information.

If you have any questions about this privacy statement and would like further information please do not hesitate to contact Giltrap AgriZone and we will endeavour to answer your questions.